WooCommerce extension updates & releases

Improved WooCommerce URL Coupons Extension

…oCommerce on Sell with WP, which prompted us to think about how people use URL coupons. As store owners can use URL coupons exclusively, some want to disable other coupon inputs. Since customers sometimes go coupon hunting if they see “Apply Coupon” fields, you can now optionally hide these fields from the cart and/or checkout pages. New Coupon Options This will limit the only application of coupons to your unique URL coupons so customers don’t wa…

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WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

Building Your First WooCommerce Extension

…p4wp_theme_icon( $image_url, $theme_id ) { if ( 25 == $theme_id ) { $image_url = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . ‘assets/images/’ . $theme_id . ‘.png’; } return $image_url; } add_filter( ‘rp4wp_theme_icon’, ‘sv_rp4wp_theme_icon’, 10, 2 ); Notice that I then return the image URL at the end so that something is output, even if it’s not been modified. The last part of my snippet is also slightly different. We’ve added a priority and the number of variab…

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Configure Magento Products by URL

…Str.toQueryParams(); if (!this.values) { this.values = {}; } for (var i in urlValues) { this.values[i] = urlValues[i]; } } this.configureForValues(); Here we find a snippet of javascript, who’s purpose is to yank everything following the hash mark (#) in the URL, treat that substring as a query parameter string, and finally configure the page product with those values. It’s a peculiar and for me unexpected method of passing parameters to a page an…

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Pagely staging site

How to create a Pagely staging site (for the non-developer)

…fore. Do a search-replace dry run to replace all instances of the old site URL to use the Pagely temporary URL. Enter this in your SSH client (replace domain names again): $ wp search-replace http://production-site-domain.com http://pagelysite.sites.pressdns.com –dry-run If this looks good and produced no issues, do a live run by entering (replace domain names again): $ wp search-replace http://production-site-domain.com http://pagelysite.sites.p…

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month in review

October in Review – 2016

…f URL Coupons this month which vastly improves the experience in importing URL Coupons to WooCommerce. URL Coupons now supports the Customer / Coupon / Order Import Suite to allow you to set URL coupon data when importing coupons to your store (such as redirect pages, products to add to the cart, or other settings). Map URL Coupons Fields We’ve written up a guide to importing URL coupons to help you get started. WooCommerce Admin Custom Order Fiel…

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WP Development

Extending the WordPress XML-RPC API

…class XMLRPC_Client { private $url; function __construct( $url ) { $this->url = $url; } /** * Call the XML-RPC method named $method and return the results, or die trying! * * @param string $method XML-RPC method name * @param mixed … optional variable list of parameters to pass to XML-RPC call * * @return array result of XML-RPC call */ public function call() { // get arguments $params = func_get_args(); $method = array_shift( $params ); $post…

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Developers: Turbocharge Heroku Deploy Hooks using Torpio

…your script: This script does a few things. First, you can enter multiple URLs that accept Heroku’s deploy hook without any changes. The format is a simple application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST with few parameters. The most important are app, user, and head. You can see the rest in the HTTP deploy hook docs. Because Torpio passes in the webhook body without modification, we can simple repost this to the URLs that we need. Most developer-related…

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SkyVerge WooCommerce Extensions

WordPress Pretty Category Permalinks Broken and Fixed

…ox next to “Strip the category base (usually /category/) from the category URL.” and gave me exactly the URL structure I was trying to achieve. The Solution And so the permalinks worked perfectly fine until recently, I suppose after updating WordPress SEO. After playing around with a backup of this site on my development machine for a few hours, I finally realized that all permalinks worked properly if I just included that default base category ‘c…

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Changing WooCommerce Custom Order Status Icons

…this for each custom status if you’d like to use different icons. Add the URL of your media file in the content: url(); part. Notice that I didn’t need http://www.mysite.com/ – I can just start from the /wp-content/ part. Check out your orders list. You’ve now got shiny new WooCommerce custom order status icons! Adding your custom status icons is simple, and is a great way to help you see your order statuses at a glance when viewing them in your…

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