
SkyVerge United!

We’ve got an announcement that may only be exciting for us, but we still want to share 🙂 . We’ve now condensed most of our team into one location in Boston, MA! We were previously all working remotely (from different states no less), which is great, but felt inefficient for us. We now have the core part of our team all in the same office space, which has been really exciting so far. Our new…

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Welcome to the New

Hello everyone! You’ve probably noticed already since you’re reading this with far more legible typography, but recently got a facelift! We’ve customized a new theme and made some structural changes that should make navigating our blog and products far easier. First, we’ve re-categorized products so that you can easily find relevant plugins (same goes for re-tagging all products for easier navigation). We’ve done the same with blog posts so that tagging and categorization now…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

Meet the Rebuilt WooCommerce AIM 3.0 is a leader in payment processing, so it’s no surprise that our WooCommerce AIM payment gateway integration is one of our top plugins. We’re happy to announce that we’ve rewritten the WooCommerce AIM extension to improve reliability and performance, and taught it some cool new tricks 🙂 . Version 3.0 is being released today, so you can download the update or purchase from WooCommerce! What’s in AIM Version 3.0? The major…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

Updates and WooCommerce Chase Paymentech Released!

Hey everyone! We’ve got a couple of updates and and a new release we’d love to tell you about. Updates First, we know a lot of non-coders out there like our free WooCommerce Customizer, which helps change some of the standard WooCommerce layout, buttons, and text. We had some issues updating for WooCommerce 2.1 that requires some refactoring and tweaks, so we apologize for the delay in getting this out (of course this happens in…

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WordPress plugins vs themes

Why Use Plugins Instead of Theme Changes?

Since we develop a lot of plugins (mostly for WooCommerce) and do some custom development, we get a lot of questions on best practices or recommendations for adding functionality to a site. Many times we’ll provide suggestions or guidance and tell people they should create a custom plugin, which prompts the question, “Couldn’t I just modify my theme template or buy a theme with this built-in this instead? I don’t want to have too many…

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Guide for Upgrading to WooCommerce 2.1

WooCommerce 2.1 was released on Monday, and makes several changes to the core plugin. As a result, you may experience issues when upgrading if you don’t pay attention to a few of the changes. The guide that follows is a general overview of some things to look out for when upgrading to WooCommerce 2.1 to make the transition from WooCommerce 2.0 as smooth as possible. There are a couple of known issues that are being…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

Improvements to WooCommerce CSV Export for Customers / Orders

Hi everyone! We’ve been a bit quiet lately since we’ve been busy updating all of our plugins to be compatible with WooCommerce 2.1. However, we wanted to share some of the big changes we’ve made with you to some of the WooCommerce extensions we offer, so we’ll take a look at the WooCommerce Customer / Order CSV Export Suite first. Re-written to Maximize Performance We’ve rebuilt the extension from the ground up to vastly improve…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

3 New WooCommerce Extensions

Hi all! We’re excited to share that we have three new extensions for WooCommerce that were just released yesterday. Quick, grab them for 35% off within the next couple days! Admin Custom Order Fields First, Admin Custom Order Fields has deployed, which takes you one step closer towards using WordPress and WooCommerce as a CRM rather than just an eCommerce platform. Admin Custom Order Fields (ACOF) will allow you to create text field, drop-downs, checkboxes,…

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WooCommerce and First Data Give Back

We’re happy to announce a special for one of our WooCommerce products! WooCommerce and First Data have partnered to offer a rebate on the First Data payment gateway integration, along with some other great benefits! Sign up (US merchants only) by December 31, 2013 to take advantage of this awesome deal that gives you over $650 of benefits FREE! First Data is a large payment processor, and is the backend merchant provider for many companies….

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

Introducing Amazon Simple Pay

Your choices for easy payment processing just increased by one. SkyVerge has just released the WooCommerce Amazon Simple Pay payment gateway extension! While this extension was in the WooCommerce Extension store until about 5 months ago, it was pulled by another developer, so we’ve redesigned it from the ground up to give you the quality and security that we ensure in all of our products. Amazon Simple Pay will allow you to process payments on…

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