WooCommerce extension updates & releases

New WooCommerce Product Documents Extension

We’re very excited to announce the release of another great WooCommerce extension! We’ve just released the WooCommerce Product Documents Extension, which allows you to create an accordion-style menu to display any supplementary documentation you want to post for customers for any product in your store. Want to post some sample chapters and images for an ebook? Use Product Documents! Need to post technical specifications or assembly instructions? It’s easy! The more information you can give…

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Introducing the WooCommerce XML-RPC API

We know you’ve been waiting for a full-fledged WooCommerce API, and while that particular piece of greatness is still a few months away (see this Github issue for details), we’ve developed a simple XML-RPC API to help you start integrating WooCommerce with your backend systems today. This has been tested over the past few months with a handful of clients and we’re ready to release it to the world. Currently it only supports updating order…

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Our Thoughts on the New WooCommerce Pricing

UPDATE 2013-08-05: Since we published this, WooCommerce has decided to offer the choice to existing customers whether they want to grandfather their unlimited licenses in or not. Read the update post Full Disclosure: Our company derives the majority of its income from sales of WooCommerce plugins we’ve written, and by performing WooCommerce-related client projects. Still, we think we can be fairly impartial as it’s not like we have someone ordering us around to build WooCommerce…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

New WooCommerce Plug-in: Authorize.net Reporting

Maybe this sounds a bit like you: You use an Authorize.net Payment Gateway, (maybe WooCommerce Authorize.net CIM or WooCommerce Authorize.net AIM) to process payments for your WooCommerce store, but it’s really difficult to get transaction information. If you want to get a simple list of transactions, you need to login to your account and run all sorts of complex reports. You spend hours pulling those reports and carefully massaging the data so it fits the…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce First Data Upgrades!

First Data lovers, we may have just made your day. We’ve updated our First Data WooCommerce extension and added some new functionality that will probably knock your socks off. Just be prepared. ???? First, we’ve used an updated API so that you get more stable, reliable performance and a future-proofed extension. We’ve also made sure you can capture more sales and reduce cart abandonment by taking advantage of First Data TransArmor credit card tokenization, allowing…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

New and Improved WooCommerce Braintree Payment Gateway!

We know you’ve all been waiting for this moment! Okay, maybe not, but we’re really excited to share some news with you. Were you unsure of which Braintree extension you needed to make your WooCommerce store complete? Problem solved! We’ve merged the Braintree and Braintree Transparent Redirect extensions to support shiny new braintree.js, which means you now get the simplicity of a direct gateway with the reduced PCI compliance of a redirect gateway, giving you…

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WordPress development tutorials

Don’t Share Terms Between WordPress Taxonomies

By default WordPress will reuse terms with the same name and slug between different taxonomies (at least for now). For instance, if you add the term ‘red’ as a tag, and then add the category ‘red’, the same wp_terms record will be shared between them. This is also true for any custom taxonomies you define (remember that despite their seeming differences, WordPress tags and categories are both implemented as taxonomies). Now, in general this is…

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Ask SkyVerge

Hide WooCommerce "Free" Price Label

A common WooCommerce question lately has been how to hide the “Free” price label in the product/category/shop pages. Thanks to WooCommerce’s judicious use of filters/actions, this is very easy request, yet if you’re new to WordPress/WooCommerce you might not necessarily know exactly where to look. Well look no further, because here’s an easy way to suppress that “Free” notice for regular/variable products: add_filter( ‘woocommerce_variable_free_price_html’, ‘hide_free_price_notice’ ); add_filter( ‘woocommerce_free_price_html’, ‘hide_free_price_notice’ ); add_filter( ‘woocommerce_variation_free_price_html’, ‘hide_free_price_notice’ ); /**…

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Hide Certain WooCommerce Sub-Categories in Catalog

WooCommerce provides some coarse control over displaying sub categories in your shop/category pages with the “Show subcategories on category pages” and “Show subcategories on the shop page” options on the WooCommerce > Settings > Catalog > Catalog Options section. These controls are all-or-nothing though: show all subcategories on the category pages, or show all subcategories on the shop page. If you want finer-grained control, for instance displaying only certain subcategories on the shop or particular…

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SkyVerge WooCommerce Extensions

WordPress Pretty Category Permalinks Broken and Fixed

This is probably another one of those situations that applies only to me, but just in case someone else out there happens to have this same broken permalink issue, I’ll describe what happened to my site, and how I fixed it. The specifics of my setup were: WordPress 3.4.1, WordPress SEO 1.2.5, and the custom permalink structure /%category%/%postname%/. The problem that someone thankfully alerted me to (gotta get back in the habit of checking Google…

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