Exclude Your Traffic From Jetpack Site Stats

I recently installed Jetpack by WordPress, solely because I wanted to use Site Stats, and even that I wanted mostly so that I could see my site traffic in the WordPress iPhone app. I quickly realized that Site Stats was tracking my own internal page views as I browsed around skyverge.com, throwing off my true page view/visitor numbers. Site Stats comes with some built in ability to exclude site traffic, but I found I needed…

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Double Notification and Comment Emails Explained

I finally took the time to investigate why I receive two notification emails each time a comment is posted at this blog. Granted, it didn’t hurt anything, but it was annoying to get the multiple emails on my iPhone. Initially I assumed the issue had something to do with my use of the WP-Mail-SMTP plugin (which I highly recommend if you want to use GMail to send your emails from WordPress), however it turned out…

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How to Exclude Traffic From Google Analytics in Magento

The Problem There are two typical ways of stopping your internal requests from appearing in and skewing your Google Analytics metrics. Both are outlined in this article from Google, but they boil down to two options: Filter by IP Filter by cookie Both are ok choices, but the first becomes unmanageable without a static IP, and doesn’t fit the laptop-based mobile development style that I prefer; and the second relies upon your ability to set…

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