WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

Widgets, Part Deux: Create a Smart WooCommerce Widget

This is post 4 of 8 in the series “Build a WooCommerce Extension” This series walks you through some of the beginner to intermediate skills you’ll need to build your first WooCommerce extension. Building Your First WooCommerce Extension Hooking into WooCommerce Actions How to Create a WooCommerce Widget Widgets, Part Deux: Create a Smart WooCommerce Widget Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 1 Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 2 WooCommerce Class Members Example: Create…

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WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

How to Create a WooCommerce Widget

This is post 3 of 8 in the series “Build a WooCommerce Extension” This series walks you through some of the beginner to intermediate skills you’ll need to build your first WooCommerce extension. Building Your First WooCommerce Extension Hooking into WooCommerce Actions How to Create a WooCommerce Widget Widgets, Part Deux: Create a Smart WooCommerce Widget Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 1 Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 2 WooCommerce Class Members Example: Create…

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Ask SkyVerge

How to Remove WooCommerce Product Images from the Cart

This Ask SkyVerge question comes from Frank: Is it possible to remove the product thumbnails and the links to the product page on the cart page? By default, the WooCommerce cart page includes product images and links to product pages in your shop for each item in the cart. However, the cart template is pretty flexible, and there a couple of handy filters in it that can let us change these cart elements. First, we…

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WordPress development tutorials

Developers: Stop Using sslverify = false — WordPress has you covered

I listened to a talk recently about using WordPress to communicate with external APIs, which is something we do frequently at SkyVerge. We’ve built over 20 payment gateway integrations for WooCommerce, each of which needs to communicate with the payment processor’s API. One thing that I noticed in the talk is that setting sslverify = false when using wp_remote_get or wp_remote_post was recommended. This is a fairly common practice and has thus become recommended for…

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WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

Hooking into WooCommerce Actions

This is post 2 of 8 in the series “Build a WooCommerce Extension” This series walks you through some of the beginner to intermediate skills you’ll need to build your first WooCommerce extension. Building Your First WooCommerce Extension Hooking into WooCommerce Actions How to Create a WooCommerce Widget Widgets, Part Deux: Create a Smart WooCommerce Widget Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 1 Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 2 WooCommerce Class Members Example: Create…

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Overriding Templates in WooCommerce Extensions

WooCommerce has a system in place that will allow you to override core templates within your child theme. This means that you can copy a template file, edit it, and the edited version in your theme will be loaded instead of the core version of the template. We do encourage you not to do this, as most changes can be made via hooks (filters and actions) instead, and this method is far more upgrade-safe than…

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WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

Building Your First WooCommerce Extension

This is post 1 of 8 in the series “Build a WooCommerce Extension” This series walks you through some of the beginner to intermediate skills you’ll need to build your first WooCommerce extension. Building Your First WooCommerce Extension Hooking into WooCommerce Actions How to Create a WooCommerce Widget Widgets, Part Deux: Create a Smart WooCommerce Widget Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 1 Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 2 WooCommerce Class Members Example: Create…

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SkyVerge WooCommerce Extensions

How to Import WooCommerce Tabs with Tab Manager

Product tabs are a great tool for organizing your product data, which is why WooCommerce Tab Manager can be very helpful. While the ability to add global and product-specific tabs is useful, you may want to import your tab data instead if you have several tabs to create. This guide will show you how to import global and product-level WooCommerce Tabs with the WooCommerce Tab Manager. This tutorial is only relevant for tabs created with…

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Changing WooCommerce Custom Order Status Icons

If you’re using the official WooCommerce iPhone app, you may have noticed that custom order statuses have their own icon when displayed in your order details: These handy little icons (designed by Jay Koster) can be added to your WooCommerce “Orders” page as well so they’re consistent throughout your shop and the app. Here’s a quick guide on how to add WooCommerce custom order status icons. You don’t have to be using the iPhone app…

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Ask SkyVerge

Ask SkyVerge: 20 WooCommerce How To’s

Hey everyone! We’ve been collecting some WooCommerce How To questions that are really easy to solve with a line or two of code or that we’ve written about already. If you haven’t checked out the news site that we sponsor yet – Sell with WP – you should check out the How To section. There are some handy WooCommerce How To’s there as well. You can also check out our free WooCommerce plugins, which sometimes…

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