Maybe this sounds a bit like you: You use an Authorize.net Payment Gateway, (maybe WooCommerce Authorize.net CIM or WooCommerce Authorize.net AIM) to process payments for your WooCommerce store, but it’s really difficult to get transaction information. If you want to get a simple list of transactions, you need to login to your account and run all sorts of complex reports. You spend hours pulling those reports and carefully massaging the data so it fits the format you need, and you have to do go through this ritual sacrifice every week!
Seems like a bit of a time-suck, huh? We thought so, too. So here’s what we did: We wrote the WooCommerce Authorize.net Reporting extension.
Here at SkyVerge, we really love to automate things. Sometimes we all do things that take up all these little bits of time in our day that we could be saving or putting to a more productive use. Why not automate those little things and save yourself the trouble? Feel the same way? Great. That was the number one concept we had in mind when we wrote this extension for you.
When you install and configure this extension, you’ll start receiving a daily email with your Authorize.net transactions from the previous day attached as a CSV. Sounds easy! Even better, you can login to your WooCommerce store and download a CSV of transaction details from a given date range on-demand, without ever having to login to your Authorize.net account. We’ve even pre-populated your Authorize.net account information into the forms if you have an active Authorize.net gateway.
Are you excited to start saving some minutes that you didn’t know you were wasting? We thought so. Check out the full extension details for the WooCommerce Authorize.Net Reporting Extension.
As a side note, if you’re not sure which Authorize.net gateway is for you, you should check out the Authorize.net Payment Gateways Comparison from WooCommerce.