WooCommerce extension updates & releases

Advanced Reviews: WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro

If you’ll humor me a moment, could you think about the last online purchase you made and where it was? For me, it’s easy — the answer is almost always Amazon 🙂 — but you may have to think a moment. You can even close your eyes if it helps! Now that you have it in your mind: when you made that purchase, what made you decide to buy the particular product you bought? Hold…

WooCommerce extension updates & releases

Create Seamless Custom WooCommerce Order Statuses

We’ve released a new extension for WooCommerce that many of you have been asking about. The WooCommerce Order Status Manager will allow you to create custom WooCommerce order statuses and completely integrate them into your orders flow. Rather than simply adding a one-off status with custom code, you can integrate these statuses with core statuses for a seamless order management experience. Add a custom status, icon, and action button easily. Then, create a “Next Statuses”…

WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

Building Your First WooCommerce Extension

This is post 1 of 8 in the series “Build a WooCommerce Extension” This series walks you through some of the beginner to intermediate skills you’ll need to build your first WooCommerce extension. Building Your First WooCommerce Extension Hooking into WooCommerce Actions How to Create a WooCommerce Widget Widgets, Part Deux: Create a Smart WooCommerce Widget Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 1 Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 2 WooCommerce Class Members Example: Create…

WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce First Data: Refund Support Added

We’ve been hard at work on some new plugins, but we’ve also been working on some improvements for our plugins behind the scenes. WooCommerce 2.3 is coming up, so we’re testing and updating plugins for that release, but we’ve also been working on some rewrites and refund support for gateways. The first of these gateways to offer refund support directly from WooCommerce is WooCommerce First Data. Refunding a card payment processed with First Data is…

SkyVerge WooCommerce Extensions

How to Import WooCommerce Tabs with Tab Manager

Product tabs are a great tool for organizing your product data, which is why WooCommerce Tab Manager can be very helpful. While the ability to add global and product-specific tabs is useful, you may want to import your tab data instead if you have several tabs to create. This guide will show you how to import global and product-level WooCommerce Tabs with the WooCommerce Tab Manager. This tutorial is only relevant for tabs created with…

8 Lessons Learned by building the WooCommerce iPhone App

One of our major goals for the first half of this year was to release the official WooCommerce iPhone app. While we released the app a bit behind schedule (in July), we were still really excited to get our first iOS app out the door and to create a mobile store management tool that we’d want to use ourselves. However, the process of building the app wasn’t entirely smooth sailing, so we figured we’d share…

New year

New Year, New Goals: Happy 2015 & our Year in Review

Happy New Year! As we move into 2015, we’ve been taking a look back on the past year at SkyVerge and focusing on what we’ve done well and what we could have improved to set our next year’s goals. 2014 was a pretty big year for us, as we’ve focused on building our team for the future, and have made several changes to our internal setup to support our growth for the future. While these…

Ask SkyVerge

How to remove WooCommerce product sorting

We have a quick question today from Gabi: Hi. I’ve tried using your Remove sorting options plugin to remove my dropdown, but removing all options leaves the dropdown there. Is there a change I need to do to remove the empty sorting dropdown? If you’d like to remove some of the built-in WooCommerce sorting options, our WooCommerce Remove Product Sorting can easily do it for you. However, this isn’t the best option if you want…

WooCommerce iOS version 1.1.2

Hey there! We’d recently updated the WooCommerce iOS app to version 1.1.1, which fixed an irritating bug with phone number formatting. However, we’d noted that we had another patch coming in that post: We’ve also got a version 1.1.2 patch about to be submitted (remember, it takes about a week for Apple to review) that has a workaround for server incompatibilities with some hosts. If you’ve updated your API keys, but you can’t update order…

WooCommerce iOS 1.1.1 released

Hi there! We just have a quick update for you today. Version 1.1.1 of the WooCommerce iOS app has been released. This patch release includes fixes for a few bugs, as well as phone number formatting being fixed for real 🙂 . We experienced a phone number formatting issues with some countries where a "+1" was being appended because the format was mistaken for a US number, so if you were one of the shops…