month in review

January in Review

Well so far we’ve been more like every other month in review, but December is probably a good month to slide on 🙂 We published our November Review a couple of months ago, and we have lots of exciting news to share in terms of what we’ve been up to since then. General Updates WooCommerce 2.5 Compatibility Memberships Improvements Order Status Manager 1.3.0 WooCommerce FreshBooks 3.6.0 WooCommerce Cost of Goods 2.0 Google Analytics Pro release…

Ask SkyVerge

Stop WooCommerce Customers from Editing Addresses

This Ask SkyVerge question comes from Bojan: I have a WC catalog site dedicated to a closed user (buyers) group only, so no unknown people can register. All users are preregistered by admin and no free registration is available. Now I need to find the way to remove the buyers ability to edit their data, everything except maybe First/Second name. All the other fields (Company, Address etc.) should be read only. Is this possible? We…

WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro Released!

There’s a great free plugin for connecting WooCommerce to Google Analytics that tens of thousands of WooCommerce shops have used to get insight into their sales funnels and customer behavior. While this is a great plugin that serves the needs of tons of WooCommerce stores, what if you need more detailed tracking for your WooCommerce site? You could use a premium service like Kissmetrics or Mixpanel, but if you’ve historically used Google Analytics, you may…


Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 2

This is post 6 of 8 in the series “Build a WooCommerce Extension” This series walks you through some of the beginner to intermediate skills you’ll need to build your first WooCommerce extension. Building Your First WooCommerce Extension Hooking into WooCommerce Actions How to Create a WooCommerce Widget Widgets, Part Deux: Create a Smart WooCommerce Widget Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 1 Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 2 WooCommerce Class Members Example: Create…


Welcome, Fulvio & Dani!

We’re very happy to welcome a couple new team members today: hello to Fulvio Nostarstefano and Dani Madrid! We do a short trial period before offering full time positions at SkyVerge to make sure we’re a good fit for one another, and frequently have team members in our bootcamp period (indeed, we’ve got more great team members doing this as we speak!), and Fulvio and Dani have come out of bootcamp on the other side…

WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Order Status Manager Version 1.3

WooCommerce Order Status Manager 1.3 was released a few days ago! This update brings a few more interesting features that we think you are going to like. Mark Order Statuses as Paid You can now mark statuses as “Paid”. This denotes a status that an order should have after a payment has occurred. Default core statuses such as “Completed” and “Processing” will already have this flag, of course. You can set it for your  own…

WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce FreshBooks Updated to v3.6.0

We’ve got a quick update to start the week off for you 🙂 WooCommerce FreshBooks has been updated to version 3.6 to add an important feature for merchants syncing payments between WooCommerce and FreshBooks. Merchants can now map their WooCommerce payment gateways to FreshBooks payment methods, which will tell FreshBooks how to track payments made from your WooCommerce store. Mapping Payment Gateways to FreshBooks Methods For the most part, WooCommerce FreshBooks guessed pretty well at…

month in review

November in Review

We last published a month in review with our September recap, so we’ve got some updates from both October and November to share with you today. Our blog has been a bit quiet as we onboard new team members and worked on an increase in support for merchants gearing up for holiday sales, so here are a few of the topics we’ve written about: How to renew a membership with a different plan For developers:…

WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 1

This is post 5 of 8 in the series “Build a WooCommerce Extension” This series walks you through some of the beginner to intermediate skills you’ll need to build your first WooCommerce extension. Building Your First WooCommerce Extension Hooking into WooCommerce Actions How to Create a WooCommerce Widget Widgets, Part Deux: Create a Smart WooCommerce Widget Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 1 Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 2 WooCommerce Class Members Example: Create…

WordPress development tutorials

How to Generate a Post Excerpt Outside the Loop

When you work with WordPress, you become pretty familiar with using the WP_Post object or objects for custom post types. For example, while working with WooCommerce, products use the WC_Product post object (or the object for a class that inherits this, such as WC_Product_Variation). If you’re in the loop while working with posts or custom post types, get_the_excerpt() is a beautiful function, as it returns the excerpt if it’s set by the user, and automatically…