Terms of Service

…however, for any of our plugins or other products that are purchased at WooCommerce.com, different terms apply. Please review the WooCommerce Terms and Conditions. Pricing & Refunds You agree that your payment method may be charged by one of our affiliated entities. If, during your purchase, your payment was identified as being processed in the United States, your transaction will be processed by GoDaddy.com, LLC. If, during your purchase, your pa…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Memberships version 1.1 Released

…stomer. The admin toolbar is now forced for test members created with User Switching, which lets you switch back to your account easily via the admin toolbar, removing the need for the meta widget. Full details in our document on the User Switching integration. Other Changes We’ve refactored our rules structure to simplify it and make it more performant, which has let us make minor improvements. For example, when using the “Hide restricted product…

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Manual payments

Processing WooCommerce payments for a customer

…’t have a saved payment method (which you might not for a phone order, for example), I recommend going through the checkout process in a new browser (or incognito window), just like the customer would — this is the best way to get the order into WooCommerce and processed in a secure way on behalf of your customer. So, now let’s move on and assume that you do have a saved payment method for the customer. Chances are you’re using one of our payment…

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Cookie Policy

…ehavior and provide that information to service providers. Pixels are most commonly used to collect anonymous traffic metrics (page visits, button clicks, order completion) used to analyze site performance. Scripts: A script is a small piece of website code placed on our websites to power customer service tools like live chat, allow for the delivery of video tutorials in our help section, and allow us to provide interactive experiences to visitors…

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WooCommerce.com Plugin Support

…e most common questions we get about support for products purchased via WooCommerce.com. We’re happy to help out with additional questions as well, just get in touch. [stag_toggle style=”stroke” title=”Who will I hear from? And when?” state=”closed”] Us 🙂 and as soon as possible! SkyVerge handles all support for our plugins, so when you submit an email via your WooCommerce.com account, it comes directly to us. We should be replying within a busine…

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Get Support

…Where did you purchase the plugin? WooCommerce.com If you purchased via WooCommerce.com, please create a support ticket via your WooCommerce account, as your purchase information is stored there and we’re required to keep support in this channel. We’ll be CCed on the new request, so we’ll be able to assist once it’s submitted. 🙂 We also prioritize all new emails from the WooCommerce.com channel, so this is the fastest way to get help. Another Site…

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WP Development

WordPress Comments Feed 404 Fixed

…pecifically a 404 Not Found for the Comments Feed url https://www.skyverge.com/comments/feed/. I requested the page and sure enough, it was indeed a 404. A quick search turned up a number of threads and discussions regarding this issue, which seems to stem from having a new site without a single comment yet. How embarrassing. Now, let me stop you right there before you start blaming plugins and permalinks; as an experiment I installed a fresh Word…

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Pagely staging site

How to create a Pagely staging site (for the non-developer)

…ou SSH into your server and clone your production site to staging. In each example command, note that you don’t have to enter the leading $. Open Terminal (Mac) or Putty (Windows). Enter $ ssh <your-username>@yourserver_ip. It would probably be like this for me: $ ssh beka@myaccount.pagelydev.com This lets you SSH into your home directory on the server so you have access to your site’s files. Pagely has a pre-set command that will let us clone our…

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New year

2016: Year in Review

…ors, Memberships has been no different than other plugins. We shipped a WooCommerce compatibility release along with version 1.6 (focused on member import / export) and version 1.7 (a boatload of features around how access is granted) in 2016, but these releases had a ton going on under the hood. Fulvio has done a great job with taking the lead with Memberships, and after a year of support and updates, we’ve learned a lot more about what site owne…

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WooCommerce Stamps.com XML Export

…WooCommerce. Like to save time? Great, us too. That’s why we offer the WooCommerce Stamps.com XML Export extension. Rather than gently massaging data into the necessary format by end, let us save you time and money by taking transaction data and exporting it into the Stamps.com XML format automatically, so that all you have to do is import the data into the Stamps.com desktop client. That’s easy! Enjoy the extra time you won’t have to spend forma…

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