month in review

February in Review

…orted in any capacity, and you should be familiar with adding code to your site if you use them. Testing & Dev Environment One of the projects we decided to work on while we were on our team trip was improving unit test coverage within our plugin framework. Max had learned a lot from implementing and writing tests for WooCommerce core, so we’re working on a similar approach for testing our plugin framework. We also put some time into re-vamping ou…

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Ask SkyVerge

Create a “My Memberships” section shortcode with WooCommerce Memberships

…tion, as you could add the “My Memberships” table to a custom page on your site, protect that page for members, and then remove it from the “My Account” area. However, there’s no shortcode to generate the “My Memberships” section with WooCommerce Memberships currently. With that said, it’s fairly easy to add one, as there’s already a function to output this area that Memberships uses itself: wc_memberships()->get_frontend_instance()->get_members_a…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Paytrail 2.0.0

…r. Take a look: Maintaining Security and Ease of Use While we did overhaul things behind the scenes, we made it a priority to keep the customer experience as it always has been. Customers will use the same secure, off-site checkout process as before. Ready to give it a go? You can download the update from WooCommerce. As always, if you run into any hiccups with upgrades or new features, we’re happy to help via the help desk….

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SkyVerge WooCommerce Extensions

Setting minimum and maximum input values with Measurement Price Calculator

…working with a developer from Codeable if you need to modify this for your site. Overview If you need to set a static minimum and maximum value for inputs across all of your products, this is pretty simple to do, and we have a snippet available in our snippets repo that shows you how to do this. However, what if you need to set different input attributes on a per-product basis? We need a way to save that data on the product, and then get it to cha…

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month in review

September in Review

…records at a time. Start and export and leave it for later. Even leave the site completely! The plugin will let you know when it’s done. Export List — Save a list of exports for 14 days to re-download a file when needed, monitor export transfers to ensure they’re successful (and the plugin will alert you if not!), or save your exports to this list on a schedule (without transferring them via FTP, email, or HTTP POST). Automate customer exports — E…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Social Login 2.0

…account if a user is already logged in. When a user is logged out of your site or is a guest visitor, they’ll see the same thing they’ve always seen with widgets: the buttons to log in with a social account. However, once the user was logged in, these buttons disappeared, but the entire widget was not hidden, which could make for a weird addition to your sidebar. Now when a user is logged in, the buttons change to allow account linking instead. I…

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Get all WooCommerce Refunded orders

…m. Now we’ll put this all together in a helper function we can use for our site or project: /** * Returns an array of order IDs that have a refund associated with the order * * @return array $refunded_order_ids */ function sv_get_wc_orders_with_refunds() { $query_args = array( ‘fields’ => ‘id=>parent’, ‘post_type’ => ‘shop_order_refund’, ‘post_status’ => ‘any’, ‘posts_per_page’ => -1, ); $refunds = get_posts( $query_args ); return array_values( ar…

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Ask SkyVerge

Moving WooCommerce Related Items to a Product Tab

…_wc_maybe_add_upsell_tab’ ); // Callback to output related products and upsells function sv_wc_output_upsells_related_items() { woocommerce_upsell_display(); woocommerce_output_related_products(); } When you’ve implemented this on your site, you’ll now see that the upsells and cross-sells have been removed from the product description: And they’re now only present in our custom tab: If the product has no upsells or cross-sells, the product page is…

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SkyTrip 2017

SkyTrip 2017 Recap

…than Airbnb, but are considerably nicer. There’s a handful of other niche sites (depending on the geographical area you’re searching), but since the sites above aggregate most of the available listings, they’re great to start with. To help filter listings, we developed a short list of must-haves: Fast & reliable internet. This can be challenging to know in advance, even when you specifically ask about speed / reliability. Ask for or spee…

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