WooConf 2014 Recap

WooConf 2014 Recap

…a more stable WooCommerce, will be highlights of version 2.3. We may be a bit biased, but we were also looking forward to Max and Justin’s presentation with Brent Shepherd of Prospress (you can read up on their conference recap here). They were all a bit nervous about presenting on a topic with loads of information to cover – do they look it? Getting set up The guys passed the talk back and forth to talk about the entire plugin development proces…

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iphone welcome

WooCommerce iOS 1.1 has landed

…data is now refreshed in the background so that you don’t have to constantly manually pull to refresh. Fixes and Tweaks If your product have custom weight or dimension units, they’ll now be displayed. We’ve improved caching handling, as this was causing issues with orders not being updated. We’ve worked around this even if you cache ALL THE THINGS so that you’ll see the most recent order information. The app also didn’t handle shops with lots of…

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WooCommerce iOS version 1.1.2

…nd helps us out in finding this issue in support tickets! We know it’s really frustrating when something doesn’t work as expected; it can be a bit difficult to make sure we’ve hit all the edge cases when we push a new version, but unfortunately that’s part of the nature of this app is since it’s running on your own servers (of which there are thousands of configurations) rather than in a controlled environment. Remember, you can shoot us an email…

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month in review

March in Review

…WooCommerce Paytrail rewrites last month (led by Max and Chase, respectively), and we held these a bit to make some further generic improvements that will apply to other gateways before releasing them. These should be released following WooConf 🙂 In Progress We’ve got a lot of new development in progress as well. Fulvio is elbow deep in Memberships v.1.6, and Tam is making some refinements to Google Analytics Pro. Max and Chase are continuing to…

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month in review

May in Review

…f WooCommerce merchants, and we’ll do a live launch soon! In progress Finally, we (always) have a lot in active development. Chase is putting the finishing touches on a Fulfillrite connector, and is also wrapping up a major Shipwire update to support new features like split shipments. Tamara is in progress on some Google Analytics Pro fixes and features as well. Memberships 1.7 is also beginning, and we have improvements in progress for the Custom…

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New year

2016: Year in Review

…your customers to encourage them to complete their purchase. We’d previously only had the app available for Shopify stores, but in 2016 we: Launched version 3 of the app, which Daniel had done a great job of leading development on with Justin, to upgrade its internals and provide an entirely new management experience. Made Jilt multi-platform to support WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery. Collaborated with the Easy Digital Downloads team to brin…

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WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

WooCommerce 1.4 SSL Admin Mixed Content Bug

…rowsers caching unexpectedly than I have getting things to work in IE. Nearly. After a bit of searching it turned up that Chrome has a habit of caching that SSL mixed-content warning for some reason and displaying it on perfectly un-mixed SSL pages elsewhere on a domain. After that it was only a few moments to find the culprit in the wordpress administration, an external CSS file always requested over http: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqu…

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WP Development

Add a WordPress Custom Bulk Action

…this: The Issue That promising-looking filter bulk-actions-screenid currently only has the ability to remove bulk actions, not add them. This is clearly noted on the filters codex page, and in a code comment in the file wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php. As described in this trac ticket the issue isn’t so much how to add a new bulk action to the dropdown menu, as it is how to generically handle custom bulk actions. Since this is yet to be…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro Released

…et a custom order number prefix Set a custom order number suffix Additionally you can naturally expect faster/better support with the paid “Pro” version. The free version will of course remain available for those who don’t require the extra features included in the Pro version, and those with the free version installed can easily upgrade to the Pro by simply installing Pro, deactivating the free one, and activating the Pro one. Your order numbers…

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WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

Add Payment Type to WooCommerce Admin Email

…ment_method_to_admin_new_order’, 15, 2 ); function add_payment_method_to_admin_new_order( $order, $is_admin_email ) { if ( $is_admin_email ) { echo ‘<p><strong>Payment Method:</strong> ‘ . $order->payment_method_title . ‘</p>’; } } Add that bit of code to your theme’s functions.php file, or even to your own custom site plugin. All manner of order details can be added to the admin email in the same way, for quick reference. See the WC_Order class f…

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