WordPress plugins vs themes

Why Use Plugins Instead of Theme Changes?

…very worrying about losing functionality or something you’ve built for the site. Your data and functionality then belong to your site, not your theme. Plugins can usually allow for more customization than theme changes as well. For example, if you’re creating a change to your theme that modifies a lot of pages or content, this might be something that you want to put into a plugin. That way, you also gain the flexibility to exclude some pages or mo…

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Developers: Turbocharge Heroku Deploy Hooks using Torpio

…ku’s deploy hook without any changes. The format is a simple application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST with few parameters. The most important are app, user, and head. You can see the rest in the HTTP deploy hook docs. Because Torpio passes in the webhook body without modification, we can simple repost this to the URLs that we need. Most developer-related services will accept Heroku’s webhook format without any changes. For services that don’t accept…

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Add Plugin Settings to WooCommerce, Part 2

…Me * @category Admin * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, Me * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public License v3.0 */ if ( ! defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly if ( ! class_exists( ‘WC_Settings_MyPlugin’ ) ) : /** * Settings class * * @since 1.0.0 */ class WC_Settings_MyPlugin extends WC_Settings_Page { // the magic will go here } endif; return new WC_Settings_MyPlugin(); Whoohoo, a tab is here! It…

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New year

2016: Year in Review

…r-instant without the need for processing these updates in batches on your site. Address Validation was refactored to make set up much easier, and to add support for Addressy, an international provider, so merchants in any country can leverage address lookup and auto-completion for improved order accuracy. Early in the year, we released version 3.0 of Print Invoices / Packing Lists to vastly improve invoice customization and generation. We also ad…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Authorize.Net AIM Adds Accept.js Support

…yment information in the browser before any data is ever sent through your site’s server, giving you a more secure on-site payment method. These client-side direct solutions meet the lowest of PCI compliance standards (SAQ A-EP compliance), blending improved security with effective, on-site checkout processes. We recently implemented the new Payeezy API client-side method in our First Data plugin, and we were very excited to see Authorize.Net rele…

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SkyTrip 2018 Recap

…airly large discrepancy between reality and the speed listed on the rental site), assess the surrounding area for activities, check out a few potential restaurants, and take notes on what the drive up from Reno is like. Planning the week Once we had our ideal house locked down, I got to work sketching out a few possible itineraries for the week. It can be tempting to overschedule, but feedback from the team on past retreats was consistent in askin…

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8 Lessons Learned by building the WooCommerce iPhone App

…full-scale test of the REST API. For example, we ran into an issue with WP Super Cache that threw an “API not found error” – none of our test sites used this, so we didn’t encounter it until launch day tickets came in. Basically, we thought we’d had a solid test group. We were wrong – there are so many more issues that can arise, and we’ll take more time in the future to test tons of plugins, even more hosting environments, and any crazy server co…

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We’re joining GoDaddy

…’m extremely proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish together, and I’m super excited for this next chapter. Our future with GoDaddy During our early conversations with GoDaddy, one thing became very clear: we share a very similar vision for open eCommerce. Both of our teams understand that the future of eCommerce is so much greater than where we are today, and we’re both committed to building tools that help everyday entrepreneurs thrive as co…

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WooCommerce Loyalty Program

…t-based automations, drip series, and reminders. Points management Make it super-simple for customers to view their rewards and choose new items to redeem their points. Reward milestones [Post v1] Celebrate milestones like birthdays, store anniversaries, and more by adding bonus points to drive purchases. Top-quality code, built by developers you can rely on. Over 1 million merchants trust our software to power their stores. SkyVerge is the top Wo…

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