WP Development

Add a WordPress Custom Bulk Action

…p_die( __(‘Error exporting post.’) ); $exported++; } // build the redirect url $sendback = add_query_arg( array(‘exported’ => $exported, ‘ids’ => join(‘,’, $post_ids) ), $sendback ); break; default: return; } // … // 4. Redirect client wp_redirect($sendback); exit(); } The third step is to display a notice describing the result of the action by hooking into admin_notices and rendering a message if we have the ‘exported’ request parameter that wa…

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Create a New WordPress Admin Account

…the email from our help desk you’ve receive in your inbox. Please send us: URL of your website Username of the account Password (use a safe sharing service like QuickForget.com) If you’ve used support@skyverge.com we’ll be able to reset the password if necessary Delete user account Once the issue is resolved and you no longer need the account, go to Users > All Users, then username of the account and Delete. For security reasons, we recommend doin…

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WP Development

Magento/WordPress Development and Deployment

…it should be something meaningful. My convention has been to use the site url for site-specific override/extension/theme code ie ‘acme.com’, and use the extension/theme name for generic extensions/themes that I may want to use in multiple projects, ie ‘widget’. You can use modman to map any number of extensions/overrides into your framework project. The path specified is the path to the local extension project. The modman file must exist at ~/wor…

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WP Development

WordPress Comments Feed 404 Fixed

…with a new crawl error, specifically a 404 Not Found for the Comments Feed url https://www.skyverge.com/comments/feed/. I requested the page and sure enough, it was indeed a 404. A quick search turned up a number of threads and discussions regarding this issue, which seems to stem from having a new site without a single comment yet. How embarrassing. Now, let me stop you right there before you start blaming plugins and permalinks; as an experiment…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Social Login 2.0

…e upgrade is 100% backwards compatible, you’ll need to change the callback URLs in some of your social applications for consistency with the new library. You’ll see a new setting added to reflect this, which is automatically set to “legacy” when you update to version 2.0, and should not be changed until you’ve completed our upgrade guide. Callback URL setting So why the change if you’ll have to update your social apps sometime soon? Due to the nat…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Memberships 1.7: Member emails, New Plan Options, and more

…of the plan email content settings. A useful one is definitely the renewal url merge tag, which can let you add a link that customers can click to renew their membership. This link will automatically log customers in (since we’re directly emailing the account the membership was purchased with), add the product that grants access to their cart, and lead them straight to checkout. The last email available is the “Renewal reminder” email. Like the “E…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Customer / Coupon / Order CSV Import Rewrite

…ricted to just file uploads for import. You can now select a file, enter a URL or file path, or copy and paste import data for the plugin to process. Once you’ve uploaded your data, you can set import settings and see a preview of your file. This lets you ensure your delimiter is correct, and you can configure customer, coupon, or order settings for your file (such as whether or not you want to merge data). Import Settings & Preview Once your sett…

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month in review

January in Review

…ed content after they log in (if they click a link generated by the {login_url} merge tag). WooCommerce Order Status Manager 1.3.0 Order Status Manager got a major release in December as well, as version 1.3.0 added a few new features and some enhancements that are now available with WooCommerce 2.5. This version lets you drag and drop order statuses into your desired order, and lets you pick a status to which you can reassign orders if you delete…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

3 Cool New Things Added to the WooCommerce Customizer

…tings we’ve now added an option to do the same thing! You simply enter the URL of an image (this can be one from your media library or hosted elsewhere, like Amazon S3), and this image will be used instead of the default WooCommerce placeholder when your products doesn’t have a featured image. WooCommerce 2.2 Oh, did we mention that it’s already WooCommerce 2.2 compatible? 🙂 Now’s the perfect time to try the WooCommerce Customizer if you haven’t y…

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WooCommerce Authorize.net News

…ubmitting transactions and instead use the following, full payment gateway URL: https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll Our WooCommerce Authorize.net extensions do not use either of these connection methods, so you’re already set! We’re not really sure why Authorize.net is sending this to you, unless they’re simply sending it to all customers. We’re very sorry if this has caused confusion! For those of you that are curious, we use the Au…

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