SkyVerge Trademark

SkyVerge® is a trademark of SkyVerge, Inc. Please do not use “SkyVerge” in your domain name, logo, or other identifying features of your site or software products. You also may not state or insinuate that we approve, develop, build, or promote your products without our express permission. For example, if you use one of our blog tutorials, you should note that the code was inspired by SkyVerge or we’d appreciate a mention of thanks, but you cannot…

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New year

New Year, New Goals: Happy 2015 & our Year in Review

…ar for us, as we’ve focused on building our team for the future, and have made several changes to our internal setup to support our growth for the future. While these changes aren’t always visible from the outside, they’re integral to our success as a company moving forward. As our team was made of Justin, myself, and Beka at the beginning of the year, we didn’t have to worry too much about team communication, development and deployment processes,…

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WooCommerce reviews + tutorials

Hooking into WooCommerce Actions

…tion is like an on-ramp. While your page is moving from point A (nothing loaded) to point B (page fully loaded) on this highway, there are certain places in the page that you can “merge in” and add your own code. An action provides the place for this to happen. So how’s this different from a filter? Technically, it’s not. But we don’t want to blow your mind just yet 🙂 . Filters are used to allow you to change a particular value (be it a variable,…

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WordPress development tutorials

Developers: Stop Using sslverify = false — WordPress has you covered

…false Given that WordPress is bundling certificates to validate them itself if the host cannot do so, it’s a security risk to set sslverify = false and not verify the remote host is actually who they say they are. The only time you should do this is while developing locally to avoid validating self-signed certificates. Our newer or recently updated payment gateway integrations set sslverify = true, and we’re currently in the process of adjusting t…

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New year

Four Years of WooCommerce

…n a month and a half of launching WooCommerce, so lots of improvement was made very quickly. The change between version 1.6 and 2.0 was when WooCommerce stopped following semantic versioning and adopted the “WordPress way” of versioning each major release (i.e., 2.0 to 2.1). WooCommerce 1.3 December 1, 2011: WordPress 3.2.1 / WooCommerce 1.3 Now we’re right before WordPress 3.3 is released, and there have been a few point releases between versions…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Customer / Coupon / Order CSV Import Rewrite

der CSV Import suite was released last week. While this adds necessary upgrades like WooCommerce 2.6 compatibility, it also provides a complete rewrite and tons of new features! Let’s take a look at the changes. Background Import Process One of the problems we saw frequently with order imports was timeouts on shared hosts. For some stores, this limited the number of orders you could import at a time to just a few thousand, and in some cases, just…

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Ask SkyVerge

Hide WooCommerce Product Reviews Until Purchase

…eview for your product if you take this route. This is because we have no idea of knowing their email address as they browse your site (and they don’t have a user ID as a guest). Since we don’t have that information, it’s impossible to check if they’ve purchased, and therefore allow them to leave a review. If you wanted guest purchasers to be able to leave feedback and reviews about your product, you’d need to have another way to accept those revi…

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WordPress development tutorials

Screen ID checks with WordPress Submenu Pages

…path . ‘assets/js/admin-scripts.js’ ); } } This way, your script is only loaded where needed. Note the pattern this follows for the screen ID: every single page under the “WooCommerce” menu, be it a settings tab or a custom settings page you’ve added with add_submenu_page(), will be prefixed with woocommerce_page_{screen} as its base / ID. However, WordPress allows this prefix to change, which can cause issues if your plugin is used on a non-Engli…

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New year

2016: Year in Review

…for the WooCommerce team, and we had a few major focuses for 2016 that we made progress towards: Continue providing resources for merchants and developers On this blog, we published 61 posts in 2016. While some of these posts are product announcements, a large number of them are tutorials for power users and developers on working with WordPress, WooCommerce, or our extensions. For a more merchant-specific take, we also published 153 posts on Sell…

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WooCommerce Bambora

…irectly on your WooCommerce site for a seamless checkout experience. Bambora automatically allows you to accept Visa and Mastercard payments, and you can enable American Express, Discover, Diner’s Club, and JCB for credit card payments as well. WooCommerce Bambora will allow you to process whichever credit card types are enabled in your Bambora account. WooCommerce Bambora allows your customers save their credit cards and bank accounts to their Wo…

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