Ask SkyVerge

Stop WooCommerce Customers from Editing Addresses

…Since I’ve removed this ability, I probably want to adjust this wording a bit. We can easily use the Say What plugin, or can use the gettext filter to translate this text. We’ll change this text to remove the mention of managing shipping and billing addresses. // Change the “My Account” welcome text function sv_change_wc_account_welcome( $translated_text, $original_text, $domain ) { // bail if we’re in the admin or not using a WooCommerce string…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce First Data 4.0

…ayeezy Gateway has already had, such as refund and void support from directly within the WooCommerce admin. It also fully supports WooCommerce Subscriptions and Pre-Orders so long as tokenization is enabled in the plugin and within your First Data account. Capture Charges from WooCommerce Both Payeezy and Payeezy Gateway now support capturing charges from directly within the WooCommerce admin. If you authorize transactions without capturing them,…

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Ask SkyVerge

How to Print Invoices for WooCommerce Orders by Date Range

…an excellent question, and the answer is not right away, but it can with a bit of help. Print Invoices / Packing Lists allows you to print invoices, packing lists, and pick list in bulk for your orders, or individually. Therefore, if we can get a list of orders within this date range, we can use the bulk action to print invoices or other documents for all of these orders. However, WooCommerce doesn’t give us a way to get orders by date range. When…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Memberships 1.7: Member emails, New Plan Options, and more

…out in your dashboards for the update, which should be out today. First, a bit of background When originally conceived, the original Memberships plugin development took about one year to complete, from planning to version 1.0. While restricting content to members may very simple and straightforward at first, this concept quickly becomes complicated when we consider how WooCommerce, and how WordPress work: this plugin would have to sit in a much bi…

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SkyVerge WooCommerce Extensions

Add Member Area Links to the Sidebar with WooCommerce Memberships

…filter will let us modify the links shown to logged in users: $links = apply_filters( ‘sidebar_login_widget_logged_in_links’, $links ); Each link is formatted like this: $link[ $id ] = array( ‘href’ => $url, ‘text’ => $text, ); So we’ll get the memberships for the user, and if there are some, we’ll output a link to the member area for each membership, showing the membership plan name in the link. The wc_memberships_get_members_area_url() function…

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Disable Repeat WooCommerce Purchases for a Product Category

…and check for this to see if customers should be able to purchase. Obviously this will only work for logged-in customers, as without having the customer logged in, we have no way of knowing their email to see if they’ve bought a product. Let’s take a look at checking for a product category, then disabling purchase if a product is in the desired category. We’ve discussed checking the cart for a particular category, so we’ll do something similar wi…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

WooCommerce Social Login 2.0

…er accounts, security is a huge concern with Social Login. While we routinely perform security audits for plugins (and especially focused on Social Login), when you use any code library, it’s best to use one that’s actively maintained an updated — more eyes watching the code tends to mean more security holes patched. The library we were using in the plugin (Opauth), isn’t actively maintained any longer, so we wanted to be proactive in switching to…

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month in review

October in Review – 2016

…month in review. In the meantime, we also have lots of development currently going on: Fulvio is working on a Local Pickup Plus rewrite ? This will vastly improve pickup location management, allow merchants to enable an availability calendar for each location, and allow pickup appointments for locations. Illimar is working through a rewrite as well on PDF Product Vouchers. The voucher administrative process is being revamped to make it simpler to…

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Get all WooCommerce Refunded orders

…refunded, they likely won’t have this order status. As such, this would only give us fully refunded orders, and not all orders that have a refund associated with them. Loop over orders and check for refunds Get all order posts (shop_order post type) using get_posts() Loop over them to get the WC_Order order object for each one Check if the order has refunds using $order->get_refunds() If not empty (there are refunds), push the order (or just its…

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