WP Development

WordPress Settings API Hidden Field

…destruct.com/blog/2009/wordpress-settings-api-tutorial/ http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/the-complete-guide-to-the-wordpress-settings-api-part-1/ Luckily those two articles cover the basics of the Settings API so well that I won’t have to, and can focus on this one specific case. Adding a Hidden Field Again, the reason I even wanted to add a hidden field to a Settings page was because I wanted to display a number of checkboxes all within a single…

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How to Upgrade Magento

…ical mysqldump. For the files, use something like the following: $ tar czf example.com.120225.tar.gz html/ Alright, now that we have our safety net, we can commence with the task of upgrading to the latest and greatest. Disable the Compiler – This can be done from the admin in System > Tools > Compilation, click ‘Disable’. Or, from the command line: $ php compiler.php disable No Cache – Disable caching, if enabled, from the admin in System > Cache…

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SkyTrip 2018 Recap

…have an exceptionally long journey, or major time zone adjustments (those coming from Hawaii, South Africa, Estonia, and Taiwan), we offered them the opportunity to come out a few days early, stay in an Airbnb together, and adjust for a couple days prior to the retreat. This went really well, and resulted in a well-rested team for the retreat. Separate rooms As a team of predominantly introverts, it was really important to us to give team members…

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New year

SkyVerge in 2018

…r team was fully responsible for first-level and escalated support (the WooCommerce.com marketplace was restructured late in 2017 to shift first-level support to 3rd party developers), which made looking back especially interesting. Plugin development By the numbers, we made huge strides this year. Our development team released 327 extension updates — that’s an average of 1.30 deploys per work day. If scotch is for shippers, we’re going to need so…

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How to Exclude Traffic From Google Analytics in Magento

…ong as it matches what you configured for Filter Pattern above. Download a complete example script: ga_exclude.html.gz Step 3 – Visit the Page Remember that like Google Analytics Exclude this method relies on setting cookies in your browser. Because of this: Your script that we created in Step 2 must be placed on the server that hosts the site you wish to exclude traffic from You must visit that page from every browser, on every computer you wish…

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WooCommerce extension updates & releases

3 New WooCommerce Extensions

…you can get paid by virtually any means the customer wants; take away every excuse for the customer to say no! Want some more info or purchase information? Check out each new extension at WooCommerce.com! Admin Custom Order Fields for WooCommerce WooCommerce Netbilling Payment Gateway Integration WooCommerce Intuit QBMS Payment Gateway Integration…

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Welcome, Tamara!

…find her making changes to our website or talking to readers on SkyVerge.com, and may also bump into her answering your pre-sales questions or support tickets. You can say “Hi” in the comments. 🙂 Once again, welcome to the SkyVerge family Tamara! We’re very excited to expand our team with a superlative teammate and developer….

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One WooCommerce Theme to Rule Them All: Storefront

…WooCommerce theme. And it’s fantastic. Lots of customers end up asking WooCommerce, “Which theme for WooCommerce should I use?” It’s a question we get at SkyVerge, and it’s one I get at Sell with WP frequently as well (which I also answer in this free resource). We now have an answer: start with Storefront. It can get you up and running quickly, and there are enough options in terms of customization that your site won’t look exactly like another….

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Happy Birthday, SkyVerge

…prize: any WooCommerce extension(s) of your choice worth up to $200 at WooCommerce.com Ten (10) second place prizes: SkyVerge swag, such as tee shirts and stickers We’ll randomly select the winners from all entrants using the email address you leave the comment with, so please be sure it’s accurate so you can claim your prize. One entry per person, please. How to Enter Here’s how you enter: leave a comment with your name and a valid email address…

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Birthday Contest Winners

…is week! We really appreciate you being a part of our journey over the past two years and participating in our birthday sweepstakes. Our grand prize winner has been contacted — congrats Amber! She’s getting $200 worth of WooCommerce extensions from WooCommerce.com. Our second place winners have also been notified via email, and we’ll be shipping out some swag to them next week. If you received an email, please be sure to forward an address for us…

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